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At Sir Thomas Wharton Academy, we have the highest standards: students take pride in their uniform and wear it consistently to the highest standard.

On this page, you will find our uniform expectations, and a letter detailing where specific uniform items can be purchased from.

We do have a stock of uniform items at the Academy that have kindly been donated for us to keep a second hand store of uniform items should any student need them.  Please ask at Reception or speak to your child's Pastoral member of staff.

Doncaster Uniform Supplier: Cliffes - Schoolwear Solutions

Address: 11A-15 Printing Office Street, Doncaster DN1 1TJ 

Rotherham Uniform Supplier:Pinders

Address: 1 Howard Street, Rotherham S65 1JQ 


Our full uniform expectations can be viewed by clicking on the picture below:




Must always be reasonable and tidy, bright colours as a result of dye or spray, marked contrast in hair length or colour are not acceptable; neither are extreme styles such as close shaves (e.g. Mohican styles or lines/patterns). Long hair should be tied back in any practical situations, such as Physical Education, Dance, Drama, Science and Technology or at the discretion of staff. A small, plain black hair slide, band, clip or ‘bobble ‘is acceptable, but any other ‘hair ornament’ is not permitted. Hair extensions are also not permitted of any length


Make-up should not be noticeable and should always be light, natural looking and discreet. Dark highlighted eyebrows, bright-coloured lipstick, dark foundation, highlighter, fake tan, painted nails, nail extensions, gel nails or false eyelashes are not allowed to be worn under any circumstances.


Students are expected to bring the following basic equipment to school; without this, they will struggle to fully participate in lessons:

  • 1 Black, Red and Green Pen
  • 2 Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Clear Pencil Case
  • Rubber
  • Any subject books / learning materials you may need for the day
  • Student Planner (you will receive this at the start of the school year)
  • PE kit (when required)
  • Ingredients required for food technology lessons - these can always be found on ShowMyHomework

Always ensure you turn up to exams with the required equipment as there are no guarantees that spare pens, calculators, rulers etc. will be available.