Year 10 Careers Day

Year 10 students invest to acheive.
Year 10 students were fully engaged in a drop down day dedicated solely to future career planning.
They met their specialist Year 11 Tutors and spent the day with them working with Business partners on employability skills and Career planning for their post 16 options prior to starting Year 11.
Our thanks go out to Doncaster Chamber, Polypipe, Evolution Soccer, Boxes and Packaging, CWE Engineering, and Doncaster Culture and Leisure who gave up their time to talk to the students about employability skills and the opportunities in Doncaster as part of labour market information (LMI). The next steps involve a focussed Year 11 careers information, advice and guidance programme to consolidate prior learning and thoughts in to a clear action plan for their next steps before they take their exams this time next year.